Bais Medrash LeTorah

The Portnoy’s Yeshiva – Under the leadership of
R’ Shaye Portnoy Shlita

The portnoy's Yeshiva

Bais Medrash LeTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem was Founded in תשע”ב – 2012 by the Rosh Ha-Yeshiva HaGaon Rabbi Shaye Portnoy Shlita with the distinct goal of helping every talmid who enters our doors become the best version of himself he can be.

Bais Medrash LeTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem was Founded in תשע”ב – 2012 by The Rosh Ha-Yeshiva HaGaon Rabbi Shaya Portnoy Shlita After decades of חינוך and thousands of Talmidim over the years

See the progress of the yeshiva over the years

Join the online shiurim and vaadim given by the mashgiach and Yeshiva’s Rebbeim

Learn All About Our rebbeim

our rebbeim

reb shaye portnoy

Rosh Yeshivah

reb Shmaya Hauer

Reb Moshe Portnoy

Reb Yehoshua Kurtstag

Reb chezkey Portnoy

Reb Moshe Liberman

Reb Dovid Steinhauer

Reb Ephraim Hauer

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תפילת רבים

In the last few days the Rosh Yeshivah tested positive for the Corona Virus.
Please daven for a רפואה שלמה בקרוב

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Bais Medrash LeTorah

Under the leadership of  

R’ Shaye Portnoy Shlita

Bais Medrash LeTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem was Founded in תשע”ב – 2012 by the Rosh Ha-Yeshiva HaGaon Rabbi Shaye Portnoy Shlita with the distinct goal of helping every talmid who enters our doors become the best version of himself he can be.

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If You wish to Join our Yeshiva You can fill in the Application form online

Online Shiurim

Join the online shiurim and vaadim given by the mashgiach and Yeshiva’s Rebbeim

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