About The portnoy’s Yeshivah

Bais Medrash LeTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem was Founded in תשע”ב – 2012 by The Rosh Ha-Yeshiva
HaGaon Rabbi Shaya Portnoy Shlita After decades of חינוך and thousands of Talmidim over the years

Yeshiva Bais Medrash LeTorah is led by The Rosh Ha-Yeshiva HaGaon Rabbi Shaya Portnoy Shlita with the distinct
goal of helping every talmid who enters the yeshiva become the best version of himself he can be.

R’ Portnoy’s Yeshiva is guided by the Daas Torah of Ha-Goan Rabbi Shmuel Kamintskey Shlita,
Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Philadelphia.

R’ Portnoy began his career in torah education as the Rosh Ha-Yeshivah of the American program at “Kol Torah”,

a yeshiva in Jerusalem led by Rav Shlomo Zalman Aerbach zt”l. He then went on to open Yeshiva Beis Medresh LeTorah,
a place where every Bouchur is cared for and is given the greatest possible tools for his personal Aliyah.

Our low talmid to Rebbi ratio allows us to have a hands on approach in every bochur’s growth; no bochur is left uncared for.

Our dedicated Rabbeim are always working to make sure no bochur falls through the cracks.
We are always available to be in touch with Parents, Rabbeim from former Yeshivas, and Alumni.

Our Yeshivah is located on Sorotzkin street, a Jewish neighborhood noted for the Talmidei Chachamim that fill its bustling
streets. This enables the talmidim to be surrounded by limud haTorah, the best environment for growth as a Ben Torah.

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Our Rebbeim

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”


Great environment


Personality development

Applying To Yeshivah

If You wish to Join our Yeshiva You can fill in the Application form online