חסדי ה’ כי לא תמנו

Having miraculously recovered from COVID19, The Rosh Yeshiva returns to Yeshiva, And joy breaks out

    The Rosh Yeshivah returns from his prolonged absence after a miraculous recovery from COVID-19

      As the bochrim and rebbeim waited with excitment outside yeshivah, the car came into view.  Together they erupted into joyous song and dance thanking Hakadosh Baeruch Hu for the Rosh HaYeshivah’s speedy recovery.

      At the end of the dance, the Rosh Yeshiva thanked הקב”ה for the miracle of his recovery and thanked all the Talmidim who constantly davened for his return.

The Rosh Yeshiva speaks to the Bochrim before they go on a trip

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