The Portnoy’s Yeshiva

Bais Medrash LeTorah

Under the leadership of
R’ Shaye Portnoy Shlita

The Portnoy's

Bais Medrash LeTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem was Founded in 2012 – ב“תשע
by the Rosh Ha-Yeshiva HaGaon Rabbi Shaye Portnoy Shlita
with the distinct goal of helping every talmid who enters
our doors become the best version of himself he can be.

About The Yeshivah

Bais Medrash LeTorah Yeshiva in Jerusalem was Founded in 2012 – ב“תשע
by the Rosh Ha-Yeshiva HaGaon Rabbi Shaye Portnoy Shlita
with the distinct goal of helping every talmid who enters
our doors become the best version of himself he can be.

Our Rebbeim

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The Yeshivah

reb ephraim ahuer


“My students are the best...”

The sponsorship program

Be A Partner In Our Torah

The vibrant learning of Torah in our building will be an amazing זכות for whatever you choose to dedicate it in honor of.

Support Yeshivah

The vibrant learning of Torah in our
building will be an amazing זכות
for whatever you choose to dedicate
it in honor of.

Silver Partner

The vibrant learning of Torah in our
building will be an amazing זכות
for whatever you choose to dedicate
it in honor of.

Gold Partner

The vibrant learning of Torah in our
building will be an amazing זכות
for whatever you choose to dedicate
it in honor of.

Platinum Partner

The vibrant learning of Torah in our
building will be an amazing זכות
for whatever you choose to dedicate
it in honor of.

Applying To Yeshivah

If You wish to Join our Yeshiva You can
fill in the Application form online


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